Monday 18 November 2013


Another mildish week but with a definite chill to the evenings, the full on use of autumn fragrances continues. The ‘C’ word is tapping at my window, but I’m putting off using most of those fragrances in order to get some good feelings from the lovely autumn scents.

Apple Cider is perfection for this time of year. And the tart I have used seems to go on forever! It’s strong, rich and of course appley. The perfect accompaniment to Bedknobs And Broomsticks on Sunday afternoon. Yes I know I’m a big kid…

Back to midweek and Blissful Autumn always covers all bases if you can’t quite decide what to pick during this season. It’s fruity, slightly spicy and also creamy – so a perfect blend of everything autumnal!

Mandarin Cranberry warmed the soul on Thursday evening. Its gentle warming Mandarin tones are underpinned by a light Cranberry flavour which gives the merest hint of the season ahead.


Orchard Pear is almost nostalgic already! It brings to mind gathering in ripened fruit and again it’s a lovely warming fragrance for colder nights.


Star Fruit and Orange gave a bright burst to Saturday morning. This fragrance definitely brings to mind exotic Caribbean fruit such as Ugli fruit (which I guess is the notes of Star Fruit).


Red Velvet wrapped my house in warm vanilla comfort on Saturday night. If you wait long enough you’ll pick up those light chocolate notes that are so prevalent when the candle is not lit. Red Velvet is class in a candle.


On to Sunday morning and Camomile Tea. I’ll say it a million times, but Camomile Tea is the number one Yankee Candle morning fragrance. It has sweet notes of honey and tea and is never shy with its lovely throw of scent.


Finally to wrap things up on Sunday evening and warm us into the week was Home Sweet Home. This lush, cinnamon fragrance has that extra touch of sweetness that makes it both warming and welcoming.

