Monday 25 November 2013


It’s borderline time! Heading rapidly towards the end of November and yet we still have blazes of riotous autumn colour. The leaves are clinging stubbornly to the trees, due I am sure in part to the extremely mild weather that we have had from late summer to date.

But the first of December is less than a week away and for us at least that means dusting down those decorations and getting ready for the festive season.

I started the week finishing off a Beach Wood tart and luxuriating in its completely unique oily fragrance. I do hope next time we use the large jar I get some hint of this glorious scent, as regulars will know that throughout the summer my Beach Wood large jar at least was disappointingly odourless.

Into a great crossover fragrance midweek with Kitchen Spice. It has the autumnal citrusy flavours mixed with cinnamon and what smells like mince pies! So it is a great one to straddle autumn and Christmas and hint at the Christmas flavours ahead.

Nature’s Paintbrush may well be becoming my favourite autumn daytime fragrance. It is so bright and fresh and it whisks you straight off to that walk in the woods with the leaves blowing all around you.


Fireside Treats followed and it again suits the darker, colder nights. Its sweet, warming, smoky notes are great for cosying down for the evening.


Saturday saw us begin to sort through decorations and things to be ready for the Christmas season. What better accompaniment than one of my first ever Yankee Candles which takes me straight back to last winter – Sugared Apple. In votive form this time, I’ll talk more on its lovely fragrance soon!

First burn on Saturday night was Sage and Citrus. Utterly delicious, this blend of fruit with spice and perfume brings a complex rich layering of fragrance to any room. So full bodied, it was still lingering the following morning.


Into Sunday and as we began to decorate it was time to use Sparkling Cinnamon for the first time. A full on cinnamon candle, the sparkling note is subtle but perhaps there’s a slight sweetness in there which makes the overall fragrance that tiny bit more festive and fun.


And finally, following on from Sparkling Cinnamon we moved to a first ever burn of Vanilla Cupcake. It will never be my favourite, but could well be my wife’s! It is full on vanilla sweetness in a candle but with that extra bit of creaminess that gives it that special Yankee Candle touch over other vanilla candles. Oh and whoops – I forgot to photograph it while alight, so here is a post burn VC with the aroma of vanilla cakes filling the air!