Monday 9 December 2013


Here we are now in those very few festive weeks. It is nice to try and take some time out of what can be a very hectic period to unwind with some Yankee Candles. After all, even though any time is Yankee Candle time – Christmas is extra special.

I started the week off with Merry Marshmallow  in a Yankee Candle Gingerbread holder – very festive! Merry Marshmallow is pure, sweet marshmallow mixed with vanilla. Without being overly Christmassy it captures the delights of sweet treats at this time of year.

Salted Caramel will be used throughout the autumn and winter season, it just goes with everything!


A bit of a disappointment using a Peppermint Swirls tart. I think it is a few years old and came with some others from a dusty corner of a shop. Not much scent left, but unusually I did pick up what appear to be floral notes with a hint of mint. Reminds me more of the leaves of a mint plant that a sugary mint, but again probably due to the fact that this tart has lost most of its original aroma.


Christmas Tree was used by us for the first time ever a couple of times this week. What surprised me with this scent is how subtle it is. It doesn’t blow your head off with a strong tree aroma but gradually fills the room with a delicate mixture of greenness, mixed with a little sweetness. Absolutely lovely and it went very well with Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix!


Honey and Spice brought a touch of extra sweet warmth to the bathroom in tea light form, while the ‘big burn’ for Saturday night was Christmas Cookie. It was a first ever use and I have to say we were a tad disappointed. Again, not the strongest throw of scent and I found it very difficult to pick up the biscuity notes that are so prevalent when smelling the jar and lid. What we did get was quite a pure vanilla smell, which I guess is no bad thing (and this is from someone who used to HATE vanilla candles!)


Sunday morning was bright and cheerful, so Star Fruit And Orange gave a slight break from the festive scents with its exotic orangy notes.

One of the new fragrances that really is impressing is Snowflake Cookie. Unlike the Christmas Cookie jar we picked up the biscuity notes from this one along with a sugary sweet pinkiness – and all from a tea light!

Finally to bring the weekend to a close, it was a long overdue use of Cinnamon Stick. Deliciously festive, this woodsy cinnamon is a sheer delight at this time of year.

Happy Christmas candle burning everyone!