Monday 20 January 2014


January is always a strange month. Too early for spring, too late for Christmas festivities and can’t even really call it winter as it has been wet and blustery here in England, as opposed to cold and icy.

So forgive if our Yankee Candle burning seems a little all over the place too! I am dying to try out the new florals, but won’t  cave in until there is at least a hint of spring in the air  - this weekend, perhaps? :0)

I did a first sniff of the new releases on a video blog earlier in the month (plus the USA exclusive Ocean Star). You can view HERE (apologies for the low sound on this one – turn it up!)

Back to last week and my floral needs did indeed get the better of me, but Christmas Rose doesn’t really count does it? It’s a lovely rose tinted scent, probably a touch close to Fresh Cut Roses than True Rose in my opinion.

Lavender Vanilla is an absolute superstar of a fragrance. It is sweet, creamy and relaxing. So glad we bought two jars when it came back to Yankee Candle Europe’s website as a special appearance last year.


Apple Cider in tart form was pleasant. It isn’t a million miles from Macintosh Spice but perhaps a tad less sharp.


On Friday night due to my wife and I being in separate rooms (don’t worry this wasn’t because of a fight – she was watching Celebrity Big Brother and I was rocking out next door!) we had two separate jars on.

My choice was Blissful Autumn. The notes change as I burn down this candle. At the moment I’m getting full on vanilla with a hint of fruit.

Her choice was Wild Passion Fruit. A strange one this as it doesn’t smell like it does cold in the jar. The closest thing I could put Wild Passion Fruit to is lemon or lime flavoured Starburst (or Opal Fruits for those of us of a certain age!)


The  dark clouds overhead on Saturday made me fancy Mountain Lake. I love its rich, deep grey colour and scentwise it is highly perfumed, more than you’d think. It’s River Valley x 10 for strength.

Camomile Tea is always a warming treat and was lovely throughout Sunday morning.


After a long walk in the countryside, a pot of tea and Buttercream did the job. It is a lovely full on vanilla fragrance but it is extra creamy. Delish!


And finally to wrap things up a real treat with new release Midnight Oasis. I bought this as part of the QVC set last year and my earlier in the day video blog made me fancy it. A lovely, potent, intoxicating blend indeed!