Wednesday 16 October 2013


Autumn finally seems to be settling in, even though most trees are late again with their spectacular, colourful displays. The temperature significantly dropped last week without it being freezing and we had some wet weather over the weekend, so it was Yankee Candles to follow suit!

It may seem bizarre then that I started the week off with a Bahama Breeze melt. I’ve got one to use up and it actually does bring tropical loveliness home in all weathers. One of my absolute favourite scents (although I tend to say that about 50 or so Yankee Candles!)

Black Cherry was the first jar of the week and is definitely one to herald in full Autumn. Its warming tones mixed with a dark fruity flavour take me back to last winter when I first started using this jar.


I think this week has to be known in my household as “first burn” week. We cracked open no less than 4 new jars this week – a record for us! First up of the new ones was Lavender Vanilla which has reappeared at Yankee Candle Europe’s main site in limited quantity. Having been teased by the tart previously, we knew what a delicious scent this had and we were not disappointed. The sharp lavender fragrance is tempered by a creamy vanilla note making this candle slightly floral, but also warming at the same time.

Second new one of the week on Friday was Warm Spice. And what a delightful surprise! This recently retired candle gives a different feel when it burns to how it smells in the jar. The spice sits very much in the background during burning and warm nutty notes take over making this a real cosseting treat.


Saturday morning saw newbie number three and it was Honeydew Melon, purchased recently as part of QVCs USA exclusives range. Honeydew Melon is absolutely perfect for early mornings, with its fresh, sweet melon smell bringing back memories of fruit selections at breakfast in hotels. It really is one of the best candles to wake up to – and it joins that small group of great morning candles.

Island Spa brought a bit of fizz and sparkle to the afternoon. The sun came out and as usual my conservatory warmed up quickly. I was soon sweltering in a t-shirt and Island Spa brought back memories of summer and look – we still had a plant in flower and some friendly wildlife around!

Saturday night was a treat with a rerun of a couple of episodes of ITV’s fab new comedy Vicious. Midnight Oasis is the ONLY candle to go with this show. It perfectly matches the dark and rich decadence of Stuart and Freddie’s main room! Midnight Oasis is Midsummer’s Night for the feint-hearted. It is still rich and perfumed but not as overpoweringly strong.


In to Sunday and tons of lovely rain (no sarcasm at all – I love being inside on rainy days) so finally got to have a long burn of Coastal Waters. I’ve had this waiting in the wings for weeks and we at last got a properly wet weekend day on which to enjoy it. Coastal Waters has a salty sea spray feel to it so it is a perfect way to bring a stormy day indoors – while keeping dry!


And finally it was a debut for Buttercream. Another limited item available from Yankee Candle’s official website, this fragrance is full on creamy richness. So a full pot of freshly brewed tea, some chocolate cakes and the indulgent notes of Yankee Candle’s Buttercream – Bliss!

