Monday 2 December 2013


Most of any spare time last week was spent putting up Christmas decorations. Those who remember our OTT Halloween displays probably won’t be surprised by a similar Christmas set up. With a son now away at University, we have to keep ourselves amused somehow!

I started the week with a Witches Brew votive. This candle lives on past Halloween and brings a warming touch to any dark evening.

A first try on Tuesday was a tart of Cinnamon and Sugar. Both of us like this one. It was lovely and strong and for me I particularly picked out its strong brown sugar notes. Look forward to more experiences of it soon!

Black Cherry is always delicious. Even though cherries aren’t a wintery fruit, there is something delectably seasonal and warming about this scent. The rich, dark wax colour must have something to do with it and it is homely, despite the sharpish fruity notes.


Orchard Pear is much more of a deep, pure fruit. It is rich and with that lovely aroma of ripened pear.


Autumn Wreath has proven a real winner in our household this autumn season. It is a bright, complex concoction of autumnal scents – everything that you would expect in an autumn wreath!


And with the decorations all up, it was time to turn on to Christmas for the first time on the 1st December. Of course I also had the thrill of opening door 1 on the Yankee Candle advent calendar and the Snowflake Cookie tea light got used straight away!


Snowflake Cookie is an unusual scent for Christmas, but it has a great aroma. Not only does it look pink – it smells it too – and the scent is underpinned by a lovely biscuity aroma.

And finally as we switched on our decorations, it was time for a first ever burn to complement. I’ve heard so much about Red Berry And Cedar from  the QVC tv shows and also the yankee army. Well, it didn’t disappoint! What an absolutely amazing fragrance.

The rich berry scent and the green notes almost seem to separate themselves. As you walk into the room you are hit with the full on berry aroma mixed with christmas spices, but nearing the candle you get a full on aroma of greenness. Pretty incredible – almost like having a stereo Yankee Candle! Red Berry And Cedar is absolutely stunning!!!
